Keep Growing Little One!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Well, you have once again reminded us that you are your own person and you're already doing things your way.  We had another ultrasound this week just to check on your growth, and the ultrasound tech told us that you are currently transverse.  That means that you're stretched out across my uterus instead of vertically.  Your head is on my right side and your little culi is on my left.  No wonder sleeping has been so uncomfortable!  And my stomach has felt hard as a rock because you are all scrunched up trying to fit your long body across the short width of my uterus.

I've wondered why it seems to hurt so much when I bump into things with my belly.  Now I understand...there is absolutely no give at all because you are just pushing out with all of your might!  Not only is this rather uncomfortable, but I've now learned that I have to be prepared for pretty much anything these next few weeks.

If you don't flip head down in the next couple of weeks, Dr. Jackson will try an external cephalic version, where she attempts to manually turn you in the right direction.  If that works then she will induce labor to make sure that you don't try anything tricky before you come out.  :)  If the version doesn't work, then we'll have to schedule a C-section to make sure you come out safely.  Another little added extra is that my placenta is out in front, which makes the possibility for a placenta abruption (where it starts to peel off) to increase while Amy's attempting the version.  If that happens, then they'll have to do a C-section as well and we'll see you quickly after.

Am I scared?  A little bit.  But thank you for the humble reminder that I am not in control.  You and I are in good hands and we will meet in just the way that He intended.  I love you, little one.  Stay safe and healthy in there.

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