Keep Growing Little One!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, December 25, 2015

A Very Merry Christmas

You celebrated your first Christmas today! We went to church last night and you were a champ even though the mass started at bedtime. You slept well too, so Santa could make his appearance...and he didn't disappoint! You and your sisters made out like bandits. (Daddy always likes to take a picture of the "aftermath.")
The three of you looked so cute in your matching pajamas too. These are some of my all-time favorite pictures of my girls!
You were smiley and happy despite the cold that you were fighting. You helped open your presents a little, but left most of the work for Daddy and me. Though you got some new clothes, a few toys and teethers, I think your favorite part of Christmas was our tree. You haven't been able to spend much time around it since it isn't particularly sturdy, so you loved your time under it today.
I don't blame you. There's something magical about the glow of the Christmas tree lights as they reflect off of the garland and ornaments. You and your sisters help keep the magic alive for Daddy and I...thank you. Merry Christmas sweet Gabrielle, we love you.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Who's That Cute Baby?

I think that's what you were trying to ask me today while we were doing a little tummy time on the floor; who's that cute baby?
I don't know, but I sure love those cheeks of hers! It took a lot of restraint not to start chewing on them while you were working hard to keep yourself up.
You had a very in-depth conversation with that doppelganger of yours. I'm not sure what you two were saying, but I think it had to do with how hard it is to hold that heavy head of yours up.
This has become our daily routine while your sisters are taking a nap. I look forward to it again tomorrow. Who wouldn't love a second view of you? :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Smiley Conversation

You have gotten very social these past few weeks, but every time I put a camera in front of you, you just stare at it wondering what in the world it is. So, today I left you on your play mat where there were toys there to distract you from the camera, and I was able to capture at least a little bit of what I enjoy every day. :)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Trimming the Tree again, and again...

I can't wait until next year when this picture includes all three of you girls. The house just isn't ready for Christmas until the tree is up and decorated. Your sisters did a great job putting up ornaments while you watched the magic from afar.

Later that day I had placed you in the Bumbo to sit and enjoy the view as I read books with Eleanore while Charlotte was still asleep. You started getting a little fussy so I picked you up to read with us. It's a good thing I did!! Only five minutes after I got you out of the seat the tree fell right on top of it shattering ornaments left and right!!

As devastating as it was to lose some of our favorite ornaments, I was more upset that you had just been sitting where the tree was now lying. I swept up the mess, salvaged the ornaments that I could, and your Daddy helped me put the tree back up in our old tree stand (since the new one had bent).

An hour or so later I noticed that the sheets underneath the tree were soaking wet. I took a closer look and realized that the old, plastic tree stand was leaking all over our wood floor. So, you, your sisters and I headed to Menards to pick up a new one. We got the best one they had, but it was only $17 and still made of plastic. We brought it home and Daddy and I put the tree up...again.

While you three were sleeping, I finished trimming the tree for the third time and went back into the laundry room to fold clothes. Not five minutes later I heard a crash. You guessed it...the tree had fallen again. I woke your Daddy up who was growling and cursing at the tree under his breath.

This time we didn't take any chances. We brought up Daddy's weight set and set it in the corner behind the tree. We tied a rope through the tree and attached it to the weights and set an extra set of 35 pound weights on the base of the tree stand for good measure.
We may have bought a dud with a curved trunk, but we jimmy-rigged it enough to last through Christmas. It has a considerable lean to it, but that just gives it character, right?
Moral of the story, Gabrielle...NEVER buy a tree with a curved trunk, and spend the extra money for a good, solid tree stand! We won't be making that same mistake again!!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Our Family Tree Tradition

One of our favorite things to do as a family this time of year is pick out our Christmas tree. This year we headed to Dale's Tree Farm to find the perfect evergreen to put up in our family room. It was overcast, but the rain held off for us.
You were nice and cozy in the Moby with me and Daddy pulled your sisters on the tree wagon as we headed to the back of the field of trees in our search.
The trees had been trimmed, so it was hard to find a nice full, fat one like we normally do, but we finally found one to take home with us. Daddy cut it down as you, your sisters and I watched him work.
Another family tradition logged as a family of five. Now to get it home and set it up!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Zoo Lights

Since Daddy was gone for the weekend, the four of us went on a wintry adventure to the Columbus Zoo for Wild Lights with some friends. We weren't sure what to expect, but it quickly exceeded anything that I had imagined! Just about every tree in the zoo was covered in beautiful Christmas lights. They even had a show every 15 minutes where the lights were synchronized to the music and would "dance!"
I had the best seat in the house, looking down at those rosy little cheeks as your eyes took in all of the beauty that surrounded us. You were completely mesmerized...and so was I. :)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Our Three Month Beauty

I was finally able to capture a few snapshots of your beautiful smile this month with the help of your two sisters. :)
You've gotten a couple of nicknames that the girls, Daddy and I love calling you. Besides the obvious Gabby, Daddy started calling you Gabby-goo which has quickly become our favorite name for you. It seems to fit since you're a delicious little bundle of baby goo.
My nickname for you is "Smiles." Before this post it may not have been obvious why, but just look at that beautiful grin! You almost always grace me with a smile right after you've finished eating, or when you wake up from a nap, and definitely at night time when I tell you it's "get-the-baby-naked-time."
Your sisters wanted you to have some of your "friends" in the pictures, so here's Joy. Daddy has given each of his girls a Disney doll just after they're born - yours is Joy. It fits you perfectly!
You've got a couple of great big sisters that love you so, so much. They may have strange ways of showing it sometimes, but they are over the moon about you. We all are, Gabrielle. Happy 3-month birthday!