Keep Growing Little One!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unfortunately you have already outgrown the Thanksgiving outfit we had picked out, that didn't stop you from joining in the celebration though!

Happy first Thanksgiving, my Gabrielle! It was a memorable one surrounded with all of the chaos, craziness and love of your extended Messmer family.
Thank you to Nonna and Ga for treating us to a fun stay at the Great Wolf Lodge!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Dreaming Together

At almost three months old you finally got to meet your "twin cousin," Alden. You also met your older (by a year) cousin Jonathan. I have a feeling you three are going to have lots of fun together as the years go by...and maybe cause a little trouble too.

Right now, though, you two are enjoying a little shut-eye together. I think my favorite part (aside from those cheeks and the two sets of little scrunched-up lips) are those four little hands.
Sweet faces, sweet dreams.

A Whole Lot of Meet and Greets

With all of the Messmer family staying at The Great Wolf Lodge for Thanksgiving this year, you had a lot of people to meet! These are just a few of the faces you got to know this holiday: your Aunt Melinda, Aunt Megan and cousin Alden, Aunt Amy, and Cousin Tommy and Jackie.
The list goes on though! You actually met ALL of your aunts, uncles and cousins on your daddy's side of the family, plus Uncle Fred, Lauren, Natalie, Danielle, Uncle Pauly and Aunt Diane. They loved you and your gorgeous cheeks. Thank goodness you're Aunt Jess was there to take pictures or I would have had almost no pictures from this huge gathering!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Grin

Your full, toothless, open-mouth smile still eludes the camera, but I was able to catch this little grin! Those cheeks!! If you look closely, you can see the hint of your adorable little dimple on your lower, left cheek. I can't get enough!!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Two Months Already?!?!

How can that be?? At your doctor's visit you were measured at 23 inches long with a weight of 13.3 pounds. You are growing beautifully.
More exciting is the fact that you are sharing your smile with us more and more each day. :) I will never get tired of making that clicking noise if it means getting to see your big, toothless grin and hear that sweet giggle!
Of course, whenever I break out the camera to try to catch a glimpse of that smile, you're too curious about the big black contraption I'm holding for me to get you to smile your big, beautiful grin...but I've caught a couple small ones.
You're already wearing 6 month clothes (although they're a little big, but 3 month is too small!). I can hardly keep your dresser drawers stocked with the right sized clothing!
I'm also loving the little conversations we're having. I haven't recorded any because I'm just too drawn in and focused on you to even think about recording anything. I've got plenty of "video" saved up in my memory though. :)
My favorite, though, is how much your two big sisters love you. They sometimes have a rough way of showing it, but they absolutely adore you and want you to know it!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Faces of You

I just can't get enough of this face. I only wish I could capture a true smile of yours because it is absolutely breathtaking.
But who can't keep from smiling at this face?