Keep Growing Little One!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, March 5, 2016


We have had you for half a year already. You are such a sweet, smiley, happy and content little baby. You roll with the punches and put up with way more "loving" from your older sisters than I can believe!
You still have no teeth, which I am completely okay with...I'm not ready for that adorable gummy smile to disappear! You are already an expert at eating and devour whatever we put in front of you. So far you've had sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas and squash.
You love to turn the pages of books that we read together and you've mastered rolling from your back to your belly and back again. You haven't said much in the way of babble yet, but that could be because everyone else always talks for you! You love "naked baby time" (bath time) and you adore your older sisters (as they do you!).
I had to put away your 6-month clothing today and even some of the 9-month clothes. You're now wearing 9-12 month outfits. I'm loving your gorgeous chunk! Keep it coming my smiley little girl! (Just look at that toothless grin!)

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