Keep Growing Little One!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Your First Boat Ride

We finally had a nice, warm day today and took advantage of it by getting our boat on the water. You weren't too fond of the sound of the motor, but once you got used to it I think you enjoyed the view from under your little pink safari hat.
You definitely preferred it when we were stopped for a picnic lunch...but that may have had something to do with you getting out of your life jacket. You'll grow into it, I promise.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

You Three

These two love you to pieces! I can't wait to watch this relationship develop over the years, and see how you three grow together. You are all my favorites. :)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Daddy's Birthday

Daddy had a long day at work on his birthday, so he was happy to come home to his girls and an ice box cake decorated by you three (well, you cheered your sisters on as they did it).
You watched intently as he blew out his candles, cut, and passed out the cake. I'm sure you were wondering where your piece was. Only a few more months and you'll get a taste of your own! But today, happy 35th birthday to your Daddy!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Blue-Gray Skies

Your Daddy and I discuss your eyes often, trying to decide what color they are. Will they be brown? Will they be more green? Even now we can't quite agree on what word truly captures their color. What do you think? To me they look like beautiful blue-gray skies. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


I can't believe you are 7-months-old. I know I say it every month, but how have seven of them past already?? You are just starting to find your voice and babble. Your favorite consonant seems to be "B" because we hear "bababababa" a lot.
You're rolling all over the place, and chewing on everything (including your 7-month sticker). You love food and are starting to get quite demanding about the pace at which I keep the spoon coming. Your current favorite seems to be sweet potatoes although you have eaten everything I've put in front of you so far.
You're not quite ready for solid snacks yet, but like to chew on frozen fruit we put inside the little mesh holder for you. You are still a champion at nursing too, you've surpassed your two older sisters by far!
You are generally calm and carefree. You enjoy hanging out on a blanket on the floor and rolling around to pick up a chewable block or grab a monkey to snuggle. And you smile. You smile a lot. That beautiful, toothless smile. I love blowing raspberries on your belly or tickling your neck to make you laugh.
I will look back on this one day and wonder if it was real. Were you really this little? I'm trying to soak up as much as I can because I know how fleeting these months really are. All too soon I'll be writing about your 8th month. For now, here's you at seven months.
Oh, and you have your Great Nana Piciulo to thank for the onesie you're wearing. She loves you to the moon and back! (So do we.)  :)

P.S. You still have that fantastic tuft of hair that stands up at the back of your head...although it's beginning to lean to the side.