Keep Growing Little One!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Beautiful Gift

At our ultrasound this morning, after I was finished, the sonographer came back into the room and said, "I almost forgot, we normally like to record the baby's heartbeat onto this little heart and put it into a teddy bear for you to take home.  Would you mind?"

Um...NO!  Of course not!!!  So here is our beautiful gift - the sound of your heartbeat at our fingertips whenever we want to hear you.  It's healthy and strong.  Keep growing in there little girl!

Friday, April 10, 2015

It's A Girl!!

Daddy had it right the whole're a girl!  Our third, beautiful daughter.  :)  We were so excited to hear the news and to watch you play around on the screen as they did the ultrasound.  You were very active in there!  I've been wondering about you moving, since I haven't felt you much, but the sonographer assured me that it's because the placenta is right in the front, so there's an extra cushion hiding all of your little kicks from me.  You look healthy and perfect in there!

Our next task is finding a name for you.  We're starting to run out!  If you have any suggestions, use morse code, I'll be sure to decipher the message.  :)